Monday, August 26, 2013

Shidduch crisis solution

To alleviate the shidduch crisis NASI has come up with an idea for girls to marry "men" who are younger than they are. The younger the better. While some girls jumped at the idea of raising and shaping their spouses, many were reluctant of taking up the responsibility of raising a teenager. Adolescent boys are known for their insolence, irresponsibility, impulsiveness and unpredictability. They are not easy to live with, much less, raise a family with. 

So I came up with a rather revolutionary idea. There are many perfectly fine, reliable, polite and grown single men who have difficulty getting married simply because they have a low IQ. Many of these men would make perfect husbands. They are much easier to train than the teens, and as a rule they will not be insolent. 

These girls are already raised to have no expectations of their husbands, and with low IQ men at their sides they would be able to domineer and rule the household as they wish. There will be no cheating, no controversy, no shalom bait issues. I think I just stumbled on a perfect solution.

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