Thursday, June 27, 2013

Missing forest for the trees

All the people who are either celebrating or bemoaning yesterday's supreme court's decision are missing a forest for the trees. Here are the things that they should be upset about.

1.the federal government feels it has a right to one's money. After working all of his/her life, paying taxes, saving a bit here and some there when someone dies, our federal government helps themselves to a third of everything that person worked for and accumulated in his entire life. To throw us a bone, they said, we only take a third when there is no surviving spouse. Now, they decided to expand on the idea of a surviving spouse, completely ignoring the fact that they are stealing from the dead. Our government is robbing the graves and people are fixating on whether or not they will rob the graves of a few homosexuals.

2.  marriage is a religious institution. In this country we have a separation of church and state, yet the federal government feels it  has a right to control marriage practices. Leave marriage to the religious institutions and keep government's greedy hands out of our private lives. Yes, I know, it's not fair that married people have various tax breaks and etc. Gays want their hands on these tax breaks, too. But why are there special perks for married people in the first place? Implementing, enforcing, maintaining and upgrading the special perks costs money. The tax payer money. I would rather we didn't have these special marriage perks and save money on all the legal mumbo jumbo that it entails and ends up costing us. 

1 comment:

  1. agree with both your points - aggravation all around, especially now that everything but everything we do is being watched by our wonderful government. Don't start a non-profit with the word "Israel" - don't say "Israel" in a phone conversation - thinking now about all those free cell phones that the Yidden are given from the government. ranting on...
